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Virtual Candle
Read peoples mind in real life
Name: Maxim Ovcharov
Date: 01 Jul 22 05:45pm
Virtual Candle
I wish to control peoples minds using my voice
Name: Maxim Ovcharov
Date: 01 Jul 22 05:36pm
Virtual Candle
I wish to read people minds
Name: Maxim Ovcharov
Date: 01 Jul 22 05:19pm
Virtual Candle
Fly High.
Name: Deborah James
Date: 29 Jun 22 03:10am
Virtual Candle
Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for all you have provided for my kids and I, please open new doors for us and Marty. May my birthday bring love, peace and happiness to us all.
For this is in your name!
Name: Elizabeth
Date: 22 Jun 22 08:15pm
Virtual Candle
Heavenly Father, Lord Jesus, Most Holy Spirit, Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, Blessed Holy Family, Host of Angels, Saints, and Guardian Angel. With great thanks for your ever Blessings and Gifts, please forgive me my sins and thank you for your continued presence in this personal intention. Amen
Name: Barry T.
Date: 16 Jun 22 06:28pm
Virtual Candle
Thibault, jouw examen zal goed gaan.
Name: Thibault
Date: 13 Jun 22 09:24am
Virtual Candle
Thank you for your forgiveness, gifts, and Blessings in all areas of my life. Amen
Name: Btb
Date: 11 Jun 22 06:36pm
Virtual Candle
Please keep me safe and protected from those who lie about me and cause problems. Help me to get my status fixed so that I can get back to my home.
Name: Robin Bernard
Date: 11 Jun 22 05:21am
Virtual Candle
Heavenly Father, Lord Jesus, Most Holy Spirit, Sacred Heart of Jesus and Mary, Blessed Holy Family, Host of Saints and Angels, Guardian Angel. In this time of transition please forgive me my sins, thank you for the many undeserved gifts, and please continue to guide, strengthen, and forgive me in all spiritual, personal, professional, financial, and social affairs, and thank you for the opportunities you provide. May it all be Blessed in Your Name. Amen.
Name: Btb
Date: 03 Jun 22 05:38pm
Virtual Candle
Help Rosie with her exams
Name: Rosie Donaghy
Date: 24 May 22 12:10pm
Virtual Candle
Prayers for world peace, rescue of all enslaved/trafficked people. Amen
Name: World Peace
Date: 24 May 22 08:50am
Virtual Candle
Prayers for safety, warmth, rescue, adoption, love for all outdoor kitties, abused/abandoned animals now and forever. Amen
Name: Buddy
Date: 24 May 22 08:49am
Virtual Candle
Healing Prayers for Bailey, Curleycue, Lily, Binx, Mimi, Steve, Linda, Doc, Barbara, Della with all my live. Amen
Name: Beloveds
Date: 24 May 22 08:46am
Virtual Candle
Dear God, Wrap our home and its occupants in Your armor and protect us as we sleep. Deliver Divine Intervention and Miracles at the precise moment to defeat the evil cabal. Amen
Name: Lb
Date: 24 May 22 08:43am
Virtual Candle
Please keep carol and her family safe from the covid
Name: Cathy
Date: 20 May 22 10:24pm
Virtual Candle
Please calm adam for his exam tomorrow . Help him remember everything he had studied.
Name: Cathy
Date: 16 May 22 04:49am
Virtual Candle
Thank you Blessed Spirit for helping me get paid for the work I did and for having all the ways and means to support myself now and continuously.
Name: David
Date: 15 May 22 04:46pm
Virtual Candle
Heavenly Father, Lord Jesus, Blessed Holy Spirit, Sacred Heart of Jesus and Mary, Blessed Holy Family, Host of Angels, and Guardian Angel, thank you for your continued Presence, Prayers, and Intervention on all current personal and professional areas. Thank you for the continued underserved Forgiveness and Gifts You grant. My I be forever mindful and joyfully indebted to you for all of my days. Amen
Name: Btb
Date: 10 May 22 04:58pm
Virtual Candle
Mom I miss you and love you
Name: Mom
Date: 09 May 22 02:42am

217 candles