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Virtual Candle
I pray Felix may rest
Name: Vitaliy
Date: 13 Feb 24 08:05pm
Virtual Candle
Name: Kai
Date: 13 Jan 24 01:05am
Virtual Candle
Thank you Blessed One for assisting me in getting a response from the property manager to resolved the water and plumbing issues in my new apartment. I am so grateful to you. I know all is well.
Name: David
Date: 07 Jan 24 12:01am
Virtual Candle
I wish i will give Ashley that's on my cell phone contact $25 dollars that she will get it from my $25 dollar American express gift card that i will buy from CVS store that she will tell me she has my $25 dollars i sent her so i can see my wishes cometrue and see results that i am very happy and grateful that i will get my wishes soon on December 28 2023 that i will be very happy and not sad anymore that i will be able to have fun and give gifts to two people my stepmom Peta and my niece Ava too
Name: Paul M Deniro J
Date: 26 Dec 23 05:18am
Virtual Candle
I wish tomorrow on Christmas day December 25 2023 I Paul M Deniro Jackson will get a unused 6ft4 real toy red plastic Zoltar machine that can grant me unlimited wishes that will be my last Christmas gift for the rest of my life that i will put the Zoltar machine in my bed room and i will keep it on when my dad is not around but when my dad is around i will turn it off because i want to respect his house hold and his house rules and let my family and friends play with it so they can have fun too
Name: Paul Jackson
Date: 25 Dec 23 02:14am
Virtual Candle
i wish tomorrow on Christmas day December 25 2023 if Santa Claus gives me a unused 6ft4 red plastic Zoltar machine for christmas i want it to only grant me unlimited wishes that i will be very happy and very excited to have the zoltar machine and i would want it to be mines and i will share it with friends and family and i will be grateful and thankful that i have it and i promise i wont ask santa claus for anything else anymore and i will promise to stop talking about wanting one i just want it
Name: Paul Jackson
Date: 24 Dec 23 06:28pm
Virtual Candle
I wish on Christmas day December 25 2023 i will be a shapeshifter and become a super human with unlimited opposite gender shapeshifting powers and unlimited reverse mimicry powers that i can make unlimited females appealing to me copy what i do and copy what i say and that i get hit by a lighting freak accident explosion what gives me these two super powers and i want to show them off to ladies that they saw i am creepy and that i disguise and they don't know where i am and that i move to Nevada
Name: Paul Jackson
Date: 24 Dec 23 06:13am
Virtual Candle
I wish on Christmas day December 25 2023 that i get a unused 6ft4 red plastic zoltar machine that can only grant me unlimited wishes forever and that i will make wishes until my hearts content and i will have the power and my relatives will found out that i can make wishes with my zoltar machine and those wishes cometrue and i will see results and i will see the wishes and people will be shocked and i will love my zoltar machine and i will be obsessed with it and i will have fun with it always
Name: Paul Jackson
Date: 24 Dec 23 06:09am
Virtual Candle
I wish on Christmas day December 25 2023 my two spirit guides Andrea Gomez and Claire Isis will appear as 6ft4 spirits and they will see me and i will see them and they will do whatever i do and they will laugh and make jokes and they will see everything i do and i will see everything they do and they will have mature Caucasian accent womanly voices that they will enjoy Christmas with me having lots of fun with my Zoltar machine and they will be third and the fourth to play with it and they will
Name: Paul Jackson
Date: 24 Dec 23 06:04am
Virtual Candle
I wish on Christmas day i Paul M Deniro Jackson will be a shapeshifter with the super powers to have unlimited opposite gender shapeshifting powers that i will show certain people that i can do it and i want to have infinite mimicry reverse powers that i can only make unlimited females that are appealing to me copy what i do and copy what i say and i will show certain people that i can do it and that a lady name Geetha Stockton will discover that i have those super powers and she will be amazed
Name: Paul Jackson
Date: 24 Dec 23 05:57am
Virtual Candle
I wish i Paul Deniro Jackson get my two 6ft4 female spirit guides that one looks identical to my high school assistant Teacher Alma Resendez named Andrea Gomez and that one looks identical to cleopatra the queen of Niles named Claire Isis and they will joke with me and they will give me guidance to not walk down the wrong path and they will let me joke around with them and they will never shake their head side to side at me and they will never roll their eyes at me but they will at mean people
Name: Paul Jackson
Date: 24 Dec 23 05:51am
Virtual Candle
I wish i Paul M Deniro Jackson will see a unused 6ft4 red plastic Zoltar machine that can only grant me unlimited wishes in my house Mcallen Texas that i will be too happy and too excited that i have my own unused 6ft4 red plastic Zoltar machine for Christmas day December 25 2023 that i will not want to do anything and i will only play with my Zoltar machine and i will be the first to play with my Zoltar machine and my family and friends will be after to play with my Zoltar machine and have fun
Name: Paul Jackson
Date: 24 Dec 23 05:42am
Virtual Candle
I wish i Paul M Deniro Jackson will see a unused 6ft4 red plastic Zoltar machine that can only grant me unlimited wishes in my house Mcallen Texas that i will be too happy and too excited that i have my own unused 6ft4 red plastic Zoltar machine for Christmas day December 25 2023 that i will not want to do anything and i will only play with my Zoltar machine and i will be the first to play with my Zoltar machine and my family and friends will be after to play with my Zoltar machine and have fun
Name: Paul Jackson
Date: 24 Dec 23 05:34am
Virtual Candle
I wish i Paul M Deniro Jackson on December 25 2023 will be blessed with a real toy unused 6ft4 red plastic Zoltar machine that can only grant me unlimited wishes that i will be happy and grateful i got it and that i will not want a job and that i will get my wishes in three seconds that i will want my friends Yadria Rodruguez and Geetha Stockton and Sylvia Garza and Shalaan Cowart and my cousin Kirsten Athena Blocker and Aisha Tia Blocker will come here Next year 2024 and i will see them very
Name: Paul Jackson
Date: 23 Dec 23 03:25am
Virtual Candle
I wish i Paul M Deniro Jackson on December 25 2023 i will get hit by a lightning freak accident explosion that i become a shapeshifter with unlimited opposite sex gender shapeshifting powers and i will have unlimited reverse mimicry powers that i can make unlimited females copy me what i do and copy me what i say and people will see i am a superhuman freak that will single myself away from normal people and never get along with normal people and i will be happy and grateful that who i am in life
Name: Paul Jackson
Date: 23 Dec 23 03:18am
Virtual Candle
i wish the other me Paul M Deniro Jackson who was split in the lighting freak accident explosion will be a hero and the anime earth and manga earth and video game earth with merge with my earth and the other me who has the flash powers and max steel powers will fight the martial artist and fighter anime characters and manga characters and video game characters who does tournament fighting and street fighting and underground fighting that he will only fight the bad villains and chaotic villains
Name: Paul Jackson
Date: 22 Dec 23 07:04pm
Virtual Candle
I wish i Paul M Deniro Jackson will have two super powers that i gain from the lighting freak accident explosion that i want to have the super powers of unlimited opposite sex gender shapeshifting that i can shape shift into any females i want in any body shape and change to certain heights 5ft8 to 6ft6 and change my weight from 200lbs to 300lbs and reverse mimicry that unlimited females appealing to me copy what i do and copy what i say and i want my tongue to never get tired of tongue flapping
Name: Paul Jackson
Date: 22 Dec 23 06:56pm
Virtual Candle
I wish on Christmas day December 25 2024 that i will have a unused 6ft4 red plastic Zoltar machine that it can only grant me unlimited wishes and that the wishes will cometrue in three seconds that they appear and if i want it to rain with thunder and lighting in Mcallen Texas it will because the zoltar machine is magical and i just wish i am blessed with it and i will have fun with my zoltar machine that people will play with it family and friends and i will be able to have fun and others will
Name: Paul Jackson
Date: 22 Dec 23 06:45pm
Virtual Candle
i wish if i Paul M Deniro Jackson gets split into two whole people i become the original that my dad leaves me with the other clone Paul M Deniro Jackson and my female spirit guides are in the mall with me and they have a vehicle of their own and they take me to my house so i can explain to my dad what just happen in the la plaza mall in Mcallen Texas and the other clone me is confuse and i tell him we were split into two whole people so we are both super humans with super powers like it or not
Name: Paul Jackson
Date: 22 Dec 23 06:40pm
Virtual Candle
I wish i Paul M Deniro Jackson get hit by a lighting freak accident explosion that i will be split into two whole people and the other me will be perfect and he will be a martial artist fighter that has the super powers of the flash and the super powers of max steel and he will fight anime characters and manga characters and video game characters his age and they was born the 12th of the nine month January to October 1991 and he was born October 12 1991 and their earths merge with out earth too
Name: Paul Jackson
Date: 22 Dec 23 06:34pm

217 candles