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Virtual Candle
Heavenly Father, Lord Jesus, Blessed Holy Spirit, Sacred Heart of Jesus and Mary, Blessed Holy Family, Host of Angels, and Guardian Angel. You know my inner heart situations and current circumstances, hopes, needs, and sins, Please continue to Forgive, Guide, Strengthan and Protect me in all my Personal, Professional, Marital, Social affairs. I ask all in the Name of Jesus. Amen
Name: Btb
Date: 13 Nov 21 08:31pm
Virtual Candle
please, i can't do this again
Name: Willy
Date: 29 Oct 21 01:02pm
Virtual Candle
:2c: I wish I could finally get my wish of a happy marriage. Amen.
Name: Sampea
Date: 27 Sep 21 09:08am
Virtual Candle
For St Malachy Catholic Churchc
Name: Alfredo
Date: 22 Sep 21 09:09pm
Virtual Candle
Plz pray for my wife to come back to me. My heart is broken.
Name: Nebu
Date: 17 Jun 21 11:22am
Virtual Candle
i wish that amogus didn't turn sussy
Name: Anonyme
Date: 29 May 21 06:02pm
Virtual Candle
i won't be here for long
Name: Miguel
Date: 29 May 21 05:46pm
Virtual Candle
jew gas
Name: Adolf
Date: 29 May 21 05:44pm
Virtual Candle
Thank you Blessed Spirit for the full and complete refund that is owed me. I know that all is well.
Name: David
Date: 15 May 21 10:17pm
Virtual Candle
Please pray for 10 year old Abigail, that the Lord will perform a miracle and she will survive surgery.
Name: Rebecca
Date: 06 Apr 21 02:14am
Virtual Candle
Thank you Blessed Spirit for always watching over me and reminding me that I am one in being with you in infinite and eternal love. Thank you for ensuring that all test results are completely negative. Gratitude.
Name: David
Date: 22 Jan 21 06:55pm
Virtual Candle
For peace in my country and the election of a president who will safeguard our God given rights
Name: Katie
Date: 20 Sep 20 06:31am
Virtual Candle
Thank you Blessed Spirit for my complete cleansing and healing in mind, body and spirit.
Name: David
Date: 29 Aug 20 02:34am
Virtual Candle
Help us in this difficult period.
Name: Riccardo
Date: 06 Apr 20 05:57pm
Virtual Candle
Grazie Dio, Ti voglio bene.
Name: Elena
Date: 06 Apr 20 07:27am
Virtual Candle
Help for the Covid 19 crises.
Name: Carmelo
Date: 06 Apr 20 07:26am
Virtual Candle
Pray for all of us.
Name: Mario
Date: 06 Apr 20 04:54am

217 candles