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Virtual Candle
credit repair
Name: Klausmelve
Date: 04 Oct 22 12:58pm
Virtual Candle
Name: George Monteiro
Date: 28 Sep 22 12:45pm
Virtual Candle
Name: George Monteiro
Date: 28 Sep 22 12:44pm
Virtual Candle
Please guide adam tomorrow as he sits for his exam.
Name: Cathy
Date: 19 Sep 22 01:49am
Virtual Candle
Jesus God help me and my family be stable help us with getting a better job, a vehicle close distance for work. Let me meet a good, nice man that won't betray me. Help me be strong minded help me believe in having miracles and united in my family. Help help people counseling them always. And having assurance in everything we put our minds to do thank you Jesus we love you . Help me recover from my son's death Carlos Terrines it's hard Jesus. I pray he is in heaven rejoicing with you.
Name: Annette
Date: 16 Sep 22 08:43pm
Virtual Candle
Dear God I pray for people that are I'll to get cure for god heal people help them not to go through pain. To survive and be cured in the name of Jesus.
Name: Annette
Date: 16 Sep 22 06:19am
Virtual Candle
To become beautiful
Name: T
Date: 14 Sep 22 12:34am
Virtual Candle
If your will is that my foot shall heal then please let it happen. If not , I will understand. Thank you for giving me life and limb . I know you giveth and you taketh. Praise you lord Jesus even in sickness as I grow weaker . Im still hopeful for miracles. Thank you !
Name: T
Date: 13 Sep 22 02:53am
Virtual Candle
thank you Lord for your love and care.PL lyhhoMahhrahthe boJoMplyhhohLwe nyou mhpLthyLpwolkcmmtbmsmtgbfwouak usthyL
Name: Awm
Date: 12 Sep 22 09:37pm
Virtual Candle
For Jens friend Brian . may he heal from losing his wife. May he learn to be at peace. May he grow to love again, that he will see Jen waiting to love him and be loved by him. Open his mind and heart to new love. Ijnip
Name: T
Date: 12 Sep 22 06:14am
Virtual Candle
1. To do the colonoscopy
2. Mammogram
3. Retinopathy exam
Please help me have the courage to keep trying to stay alive . I m so tired . I need you lord Jesus .
Name: T
Date: 11 Sep 22 07:17pm
Virtual Candle
Please give me the strength to keep fighting the diabetes . sugar was 302. Im tired of it. Please help me . I really am wiped out. I need to have hope. I fight suicidal thoughts . I dont want more problems. My kidneys . my eyes. Please restore my pancreas .ijnip.
Name: T
Date: 11 Sep 22 07:13pm
Virtual Candle
Help me lord by preparing for the event next year . please send the right people into my life to help me. Please help me be as much of a blessing as I am blessed . I promise you . I will not disappoint you . ill really try hard to keep myself going strong. Thank you. Ijnip
Name: T
Date: 10 Sep 22 06:51am
Virtual Candle
Please help me lose 70 more pounds in a year . ijnip.
Name: T
Date: 10 Sep 22 06:44am
Virtual Candle
To rise from the ashes and shine brightly. To bring glory to you. To bring light to the hidden darkness of mental health struggles. To help educate others of miracles still happening today . ijnip
Name: T
Date: 09 Sep 22 12:04pm
Virtual Candle
Please god , help me realize a dream come true . please! Thank you no matter what happens. Thank you for igniting my dreams . I needed this. I will make you proud of me.
Name: T
Date: 09 Sep 22 12:00pm
Virtual Candle
Sleep my love . may the angels of god surround you with love and dreams . may god bless you!
Name: T
Date: 09 Sep 22 11:55am
Virtual Candle
Thank you for everything my lord Jesus . just wanted to say thank you to god .
Name: T
Date: 09 Sep 22 09:30am
Virtual Candle
Please guide adam tomorrow duting his exam. Please calm him so he remembers all he learned.
Name: Cathy
Date: 06 Sep 22 02:56am
Virtual Candle
Please show al , the correct way to communicate with a girl . I get so frustrated at his lack of true joy or anything of expressing of emotion. He never smiles . rarely . Please lord heal him..
Name: Tess
Date: 04 Sep 22 05:17am

217 candles