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Virtual Candle
Please help al. Hes a lost soul. Please god heal him. Hes got no idea how to love. Please teach him. Please god . thank you!
Name: Tess
Date: 04 Sep 22 05:15am
Virtual Candle
Please help mark . thank you lord . tell dean I miss him.. Love you !.
Name: T
Date: 04 Sep 22 05:11am
Virtual Candle
Please give me courage to do what you want. Im so ashamed of my past . that I wasn't strong . I shattered . please give me the strength to admit my weakness. Schizophrenia. I was tortured and raped. I wasn't born ill. I admit to being confused at certain times in life. I just hope I can go on .
Name: T
Date: 04 Sep 22 04:57am
Virtual Candle
Just a candle in hope of healing my inner child . recovery please. Let me heal. Thank you for hearing me. Im lonely . please lead healthy people into my life. People with goals and hope. I need that . thank you lord I need friends. That are normal.
Name: T
Date: 04 Sep 22 04:50am
Virtual Candle
Help me to understand why Im sooo angry . help me find peace in being honest with my own self. Im always alone . please god help me. What am I doing wrong? Please god change me. Thank you jesus
Name: T
Date: 04 Sep 22 04:44am
Virtual Candle
Please god . help my mom . You never let her down . bless her lord Jesus . thank u She needs help
Name: Tcl
Date: 02 Sep 22 02:25am
Virtual Candle
Please watch over adam as he takes his exam tomorrow. Please ease his mind and nerves so he cam remember everything he studied
Name: Cathy
Date: 29 Aug 22 02:16am
Virtual Candle
Thank you lord Jesus for the garden scent as I just laid down in bed. Thank you!.
Name: T
Date: 27 Aug 22 07:46am
Virtual Candle
Keep the pandemic going . Please. Until I am strong enough to stand up to my bf. I need to grow less tolerant of his sick behavior. I dont want him anymore. I just want to work hard and make new friends. I m changing. Please keep me strong lord . thank you
Name: T
Date: 27 Aug 22 12:13am
Virtual Candle
Thank you for healing my mind of schizophrenia. Please help me be of service in my quest to achieve independence and financial freedom. Thank you for everything god.
Name: T
Date: 27 Aug 22 12:07am
Virtual Candle
Thank you for hearing my prayers . thank you for loving me Jesus
Name: T
Date: 27 Aug 22 12:02am
Virtual Candle
Please send a true man of honor and of you god into my life when the time is right. I live in low income housing. Im ashamed of being poor. I am trying to achieve a better life from attaining work. Please help me. Learn to be independent. I want to make my family proud . Please help me lord God .
Name: T
Date: 26 Aug 22 11:49pm
Virtual Candle
I lost 90 lbs. Thank you god . for helping me. Please do not quit on me. I have 70 more lbs to lose. Please god thank you so much for helping me. Ijnip
Name: Tess
Date: 26 Aug 22 11:44pm
Virtual Candle
Please pray for me that I find a way to break away from my bf. Hes sick and into camming. He lives 2000 miles away from me. I m in a toxic ldr . its been about him getting naked. He never cares to see me. Its embarrassing. I just want to date others . Im lonely . I miss being held and hugged and wooed. Im tired . Im growing to prefer being alone than with him. Please god. Send someone else into my life. Heal me. Ijnip
Name: Tc
Date: 26 Aug 22 11:36pm
Virtual Candle
Please lord comfort dad and relieve him of his and let him know we will keep mom in a happy place
Name: Dad2
Date: 20 Aug 22 04:50am
Virtual Candle
Repose of the soul of my dear departed husband, Clement.
Name: Ingrid
Date: 10 Aug 22 01:16am
Virtual Candle
Happy Birthday Manisha
Name: Manisha
Date: 08 Aug 22 09:47pm
Virtual Candle
Thank you Blessed One for your assistance in receiving all of the the monies that are owed to me now. I know all is well.
Name: David
Date: 11 Jul 22 04:42pm
Virtual Candle
My wish is control peoples mind threw just any target usernamer
Name: Maxim Ovcharov
Date: 01 Jul 22 05:52pm
Virtual Candle
My wish is read peoples mind threw internet
Name: Maxim Ovcharov
Date: 01 Jul 22 05:48pm

217 candles