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Virtual Candle
Please guide adam during his exam tommorrow He has worked so hard
Name: Cathy
Date: 09 May 22 01:15am
Virtual Candle
Heaven Father, Lord Jesus, Most Holy Spirit, Sacred Heart of Jesus and Mary, Blessed Holy Family, Host of Angels, and Guardian Angel. Please continue to Pray and Intervene in all of the personal and professional intentions I have set before thee. May I always remember Thy Will Be Done. May I always remain Prayerful, grateful and thankful for the undeserved Forgiveness, Blessings, and Gifts you provide to me, an undeserving sinner. Please forgive me. Amen
Name: Barry T.
Date: 06 May 22 05:35pm
Virtual Candle
Heavenly Father, Lord Jesus, Most Holy Spirit, Sacred Heart of Jesus and Mary, Blessed Holy Family, Host of Angels, and Guardian Angel(s), Please continue Prayers and Intervening on behalf of H.W., myself and all involved as professional challenges and discouragements continue. Thy Will Be Done. Amen
Name: Barry T.
Date: 01 May 22 07:14pm
Virtual Candle
Please quide adam thru his test today’
Name: Cathy
Date: 25 Apr 22 03:48pm
Virtual Candle
Please keep D.R.H. in your protective embrace. Please keep him blessed safe and healthy. Please bless him with positive outcomes and a beautiful happy life. -Amen 🙏
Name: Cookie
Date: 19 Apr 22 04:58pm
Virtual Candle
Please give adam confidence on his test tomorrow
Name: Mom
Date: 19 Apr 22 03:57am
Virtual Candle
My Prayer Intention: dear Lord, i would like to thank you for everything that you given me in my life, i am grateful and thankful that you are always been there for me , us and everyone.. Please Lord always GUIDE MY FAMILY and help those people who are in need of you and please forgive me in all my wrongdoing in my life. thank you my DEAR LORD
Name: Exequiel Tan
Date: 15 Apr 22 11:21pm
Virtual Candle
Good luck.
Name: K
Date: 08 Apr 22 03:49pm
Virtual Candle
Please be with adam as he takes his test today
Name: Cathy
Date: 14 Mar 22 01:27pm
Virtual Candle
Blessed Holy Trinity, Sacred Heart of Jesus and Mary, Blessed Holy Family, Host of Angels, and Guardian Angel. Please forgive me my sins and accept my appreciate for ALL that you do as I continue to work through the personal and professional areas that remain very challenging. In whatever happens in my plans and actions, may it be Your Will that is done. Amen.
Name: Barry T.
Date: 28 Feb 22 06:20pm
Virtual Candle
Praying that Michelle will be comforted and at peace in her journey home to the Lord.
Name: Michelle Burch
Date: 26 Feb 22 12:42am
Virtual Candle
Please keep her healthy
Name: Daw
Date: 22 Feb 22 11:11am
Virtual Candle
Heavenly Father, Lord Jesus, Most Holy Spirit, Sacred Heart of Jesus and Mary, Blessed Holy Family, Host of Angels, and Guardian Angels, Thank you for the MANY underserved (known and unkown) Gifts and Blessings you Grant. Forgive my selfishness, pettiness, and weakness in all areas of my life. Please continue to guide, strengthen, protect and forgive me in all of my spiritual, personal, marital, familial, social, and recreational affairs. ; particularly my future areas in work and retire.Amen.
Name: Btb
Date: 20 Feb 22 06:50pm
Virtual Candle
Heavenly Father, Blessed Holy Trinity, Sacred Heart of Jesus and Mary, Blessed Holy Family, Host of Angels, and Guardian Angels. Please continue to Forgive, protect, strengthen, and guide me in all the personal, professional, and social affairs of which you know my situations in need and in number. Many I never lose sight of the undeserved Blessings and gifts you provide. Amen
Name: Btb
Date: 29 Jan 22 05:11pm
Virtual Candle
Health and healing
Name: Marguerite
Date: 08 Jan 22 03:14pm
Virtual Candle
For deliverance and healing. In the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spriit. Amen.
Name: Jenalyn
Date: 04 Jan 22 12:05pm
Virtual Candle
For healing and deliverance from parasitic infestation and other health complications. In the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit. Amen.
Name: Angela
Date: 04 Jan 22 11:58am
Virtual Candle
For healing in mind and body. For deliverance from parasitic infestation in body. In the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit. Amen
Name: Marguerite
Date: 04 Jan 22 11:56am
Virtual Candle
Heavenly Father, Lord Jesus, Most Holy Spirit, Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, Blessed Holy Family, Host of Angels, and Guardian Angel. Please continue providing the Forgiveness, Guidance, and Strength in all of the intentions in my heart related to my current personal and professional affairs. You know my needs even before I ask. Many thanks for the underserved gifts in my life. Amen
Name: Barry T.
Date: 27 Dec 21 07:28pm
Virtual Candle
Peace to all in world
Name: Jack
Date: 22 Nov 21 01:05pm

217 candles